we are ready for vitrum 2023!
From the 5th to 8th of September we will be at the Fiera Milano Rho in Hall 7 Stand F02
For us, glass is… tradition, fashion, technology, commonality and much more. That’s why we’ll be taking part in Vitrum 2023, excited to present our newest products! You’ll find us at Stand F02 in Hall 7, where you’ll have the chance to see our cutting-edge glass sandblasting and marking machinery as well as our nanotechnological coatings for glass protection.
We have completed the transformation process of all our automatic machinery from an Industry 4.0 perspective. Beyond the sandblasters, from now also the marking devices of the Easymarker+ line will be Industry 4.0 compliant We’ll also be offering a brand new solution for the automatic application of a water repellent coating for float glass.
We will display:
• Mistral 180EV+, the mid-size model of our top of the range and full optional automatic sandblasting machine
• The automatic marking systems of the new Easymarker+ line and the portable glass-marking unit Marker 301t
• Our complete line of coatings for sandblasted, transparent and etched glass.
There will be live demos of sandblasting and marking on glass and mirrors, short demos on how to use MistralApp, the only web application available on the market that allows the operator to program the sandblaster remotely even while the machine is in operation. Working with our automatic sandblasters is now even easier and more intuitive!
Would you like to become an expert applicator of our MIX30PRO and GHOSTGLAZE protective treatments?
You’ll have the chance to attend a short course, an easy way to learn how to apply our protective treatments effectively. You can register by filling in the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_Dil5EMAinbYIrivAwHNuOYQazeAWimyJ2lpIRIOi16glsg/viewform?usp=sf_link
If you don’t want to miss Vitrum 2023, register directly here to get your free ticket:
You will support us in the contest “Invite&Win” organized by Vitrum!
We look forward to seeing you!